When your transaction gets declined due to an address mismatch, your bank pre-authorizes the charge. This creates a temporary hold of the pre-authorized monies. When the bank verifies that we declined the transaction, the hold on the monies will stop, which at times can take up to 3-5 business days to process, but typically only takes 24 hours. You will NOT be charged for these declined attempts. Also, a pending charge does not secure your ticket(s).
If you have not received a receipt for your order, and did not receive an order successful screen, you will need to process your order again based on availability.
Troubleshoot Suggestions:
- Contact your financial institution to verify the billing address that is listed for your account.
- When verifying your billing address make sure to note exactly how they have it listed (including abbreviations and periods).
- During the purchase process, make sure to enter your billing address exactly as directed. Please note, you can list a different address for your shipping, if applicable.
- If you need to update your billing address with your financial institution, please note there could be a transition period for that information to be updated, as it is not usually instantaneous.
- If you've recently updated your billing address and are still receiving an AVS decline, you may try the previous address listed - as noted in step 4, updates are usually not instant.
- If none of these measures work, you may need to use a different card for your purchase.
If the pending charge(s) need(s) to be resolved quickly, you may Contact Us with the bank fax number and the last 4 digits of the credit card attempted so we may further assist.
Please note, abbreviations or lack of abbreviations and the use of periods in an address will affect the approval of a billing address. The billing address must match exactly as the card carrier has it entered in its system.